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2nd International VariaR Conference 2022

Theme: Linguistic variation: (con)text and methodology

Organising committee: Vanessa Meireles, ReSO Team (University Paul Valéry Montpellier 3- UPVM) & Marcia dos Santos Machado Vieira (Federal University of Rio de Janeiro - UFRJ)

Support team: Pedro Poppolino (Computer Science), Morgana Kropf (Faculty of Letters, UFRJ), Mariana Meireles (LLCER, University Paris Nanterre)

Dates: 22 June (hybrid event), 23 and 24 June (distance) 2022

Deadline for submitting proposals in e-poster format: 30 April 2022

Scientific committee decision: 30 May 2022

Submission of accepted posters: 10 June 2022

Registration for workshops: until 10 June 2022

Registration of listeners: until 20 June 2022







Call for submissions


This second edition of the international colloquium on variation in Portuguese mainly and in other Romance languages is part of an institutional and scientific exchange of confirmed researchers from different universities and countries.

The aim of this meeting is to promote dialogue between theoretical and methodological approaches to phonological and syntactic variation, as well as their interfaces, in Portuguese (especially between the varieties: Brazilian Portuguese, Mozambican Portuguese, Angolan Portuguese, in contrast to European Portuguese, and/or other languages). It also aims to promote inter(action) on mapping this variation on a textual-discursive level.

What we propose is bringing together specialists in the field to discuss the topic through the following (non-exhaustive) avenues of reflection on the phonetic-phonological level:

- Consonant variation;

- Variation in the vocalisation of unstressed vowels;

- Diphthongisation and monophthongisation within words;

- External vowel sanding phenomena.

And in terms of syntactic variation:

- Referencing/anaphora, predication and sentence/text connection;

- Gradation/intensification-attenuation constructions, aspectualisation, modalisation, temporality;

- Concordance (verbal, nominal) and variation in the order of constituents.

In the light of sociolinguistic theories on variation, language change and multilingual contact, we hope to contribute to a better understanding of varieties of Portuguese and, by extension, of the Lusophone linguistic area in general. We also welcome research centered on a more transversal axis around variation in other Romance languages, in order to establish common ground on contemporary dialectal variations.

This conference will therefore be a space for exchanging knowledge, experiences and research interests for those dedicated to the linguistic mapping of Portuguese or other languages centred on the phenomena of linguistic variation and change.

In addition to the conferences, we plan to organise poster communication sessions and training sessions (workshops).

These sessions will also include the presentation of two books that are the fruit of the VariaR project (Variation in Portuguese and other Romance languages; Variation and the teaching of Portuguese around the world) and talks with the authors of chapters in these works.



AYRES-BENNETT, Wendy; CARRUTHERS, Janice (eds.). Manual of Romance Sociolinguistics. Berlin: De Gruyter, 2018, xi + 793 pp.

BRANDÃO, Silvia F. (org.). Duas variedades africanas do Português: variáveis fonético-fonológicas e morfossintáticas. São Paulo: Blucher Open Access, 2018.

BRANDÃO, Silvia F. Variação e mudança no âmbito do vocalismo In: MARTINS, M. A.; ABRAÇADO, J. (org.). Mapeamento sociolinguístico do português brasileiro. São Paulo: Contexto, 2015. p. 11-38.

DE PAULA, Alessandra; GOMES, Danielle K.; SILVEIRA, Eliete F. B.; MACHADO VIEIRA, Marcia dos S; VIEIRA, Silvia R. (eds.). Uma História de Investigações sobre a Língua Portuguesa: Homenagem a Silvia Brandão. São Paulo: Blucher Open Access. 2018.

DRAGER, Katie; RILLIARD, Albert O. B.; MACHADO VIEIRA, Marcia dos S.; WIEDEMER, Marcos L.; BASTOS, Laíse R. (ed.). Diadorim: revista de estudos linguísticos e literários, v. 23, n. 1. UFRJ. Programa de Pós-Graduação em Letras Vernáculas, 2021.

HOLM, John. Languages in Contact – the Partial Restructuring of Vernaculars. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2004.

LABOV, William. Principles of Language Change I: Social factors. Oxford, Blackwell, 2001.

LABOV, William. Sociolinguistic Patterns. Philadelphia. University of Pennsylvania Press, 1972.

LUCCHESI, Dante. A deriva secular na formação do português brasileiro: uma visão crítica, em Tânia Lobo, Zenaide Carneiro, Juliana Soledade, Ariadne Almeida e Silvana Ribeiro (Orgs.). ROSAE: linguística histórica, história das línguas e outras histórias, Salvador, EDUFBA, 2012, 249-274.

MACHADO VIEIRA, Marcia dos S., WIEDEMER, Marcos L. (ed.). Dimensões e Experiências em Sociolinguística. São Paulo: Blucher Open Access, 2019.

MACHADO VIEIRA, Marcia dos S., WIEDEMER, Marcos L. (ed.). GT de Sociolinguística da ANPOLL, 35 anos depois: reflexões e cenários. Revista da Anpoll, v. 52, n. esp, 2021.

MACHADO VIEIRA, Marcia dos Santos; MEIRELES, Vanessa (ed.). Variação em português e em outras Línguas Românicas. São Paulo: Blucher Open Access, 2022.

MEIRELES, Vanessa; MACHADO VIEIRA, Marcia dos Santos (ed.). Variação e ensino de português no mundo. São Paulo: Blucher Open Access, 2022.

MEIRELES, Vanessa. “Élision et diphtongaison à la frontière de mot en portugais”. Rainer, Franz / Russo, Michela / Sanchez Miret, Fernando (éd.). Actes du XXVIIe Congrès international de linguistique et de philologie romanes – CILPR. Section 3: Phonétique, Phonologie, Morphophonologie et Morphologie. Nancy: ATILF, 2016, 115-127.

MEIRELES, Vanessa. “Sândi vocálico externo em português com base na Teoria do Governo”. Revista da Abralin, v. 10, n. 2, jul./dez., 2011, 173-194.

MEIRELES, Vanessa. Analyse phonologique et métrique des glides et diphtongues en portugais brésilien. Thèse de Doctorat en Sciences du langage, Université de Paris 8, 2014.

PETTER, Margarida M. Variedades linguísticas em contato: português angolano, português brasileiro, português moçambicano. Tese de Livre docência, Universidade de São Paulo, 2008.

WEINREICH, Uriel; LABOV, William; HERZOG, Marvin. Empirical foundations for a theory of language change, Austin: University of Texas Press, 1968.

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